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Cosmetic Dentistry — Crowns
Smile of the Month

October 2023

Michelle smiling after receiving crowns from Long Island Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Allan Mohr

In the past, if you needed to get a dental crown to repair a broken or decayed tooth, there was a trade-off. It was easy to receive a restoration that was strong and tooth-shaped, but a big drawback was obvious—crowns were made of gold or silver, which made them instantly stand out.

However, dental materials have progressed quite a bit over the last few decades, allowing Dr. Mohr to only provide his patients with 100% porcelain dental crowns. These offer the same level of strength and durability as traditional metal crowns while having a natural appearance that makes them blend seamlessly into the mouth.

Working with his “dream team” dental lab, Dr. Mohr was able to help Michelle reach her smile goals using multiple porcelain dental crowns that were uniquely shaped and color-matched so that no one would notice her dental work—all they’d see was a bright and confident smile! The entire process only took about two appointments to complete, and Dr. Mohr walked her through the entire procedure and even showed her a mock-up beforehand so she knew what to expect each step of the way.

Thanks to this detailed approach, Michelle was thrilled with her result and enjoyed a smooth experience from beginning to end. 

Before & Afters

Closeup of Lopez  before Long Island veneers Closeup of Lopez  after Long Island veneers
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