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Cosmetic Dentistry—Wedding Smile Makeover
Smile of the Month

June 2024

Dental patient Mary

Every parent dreams of being at their child’s wedding and seeing them look so happy, hopeful, and joyous. With her son getting married in the near future, Mary should have been excited, but the truth was that she was actually nervous. As the mother of the groom, she knew that every guest was going to want to talk to her, plus there would be countless pictures taken.

Unfortunately, this upcoming event solidified something she already knew—Mary really disliked her smile. A combination of rotated and undersized teeth had always bothered her, but with the wedding looming, it finally gave her the push to make a change. Going into the appointment with Dr. Mohr, Mary had a few concerns and specific details she wanted to make sure were considered while her work was being done. Dr. Mohr explained her treatment options in detail and used a digital mock-up to show her what the end result would look like.

Fortunately for Mary, Dr. Mohr is committed to ensuring that the patient is involved in every decision (big or small) about their new smile. Going over the color, shape, and length of the temporary restorations, he worked with Mary to guarantee that everything was perfect right from the start.

When her procedure was completed, Mary became much more excited about the wedding, and she couldn’t wait to show off her eye-catching smile. Dr. Mohr gave her the chance to just enjoy the day without worry, and that’s something she’ll always be thankful for!

Before & Afters

Closeup of Mary before Long Island Smile Makeover Closeup of Mary after Long Island Smile Makeover
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