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Cosmetic Dentistry—Veneers & Porcelain Bridge
Smile of the Month

September 2024

Maria was unlucky enough to have lost one of her front teeth, and she had it replaced using a bonded bridge. While this was better than just leaving the gap, she believed it was far from acceptable when it came to her appearance. Dr. Mohr assured her that he could do better.

Based on the condition of the teeth next to the bridge as well as Maria’s goals, Dr. Mohr gave her a new, all-porcelain bridge as well as one veneer. This combination created a seamless, natural-looking result that gave her the upgrade she was hoping for. From the moment Maria saw herself in the mirror, she couldn’t stop smiling!

Maria is an excellent illustration of how not all cosmetic and restorative dental work is created equal. Her previous bridge was functional, but it made her self-conscious about her smile, so was it really working for her? Dr. Mohr believes that a person’s teeth should look great, work perfectly, and be incredibly durable. If any of those factors are missing, then he can do something about it, which is exactly what he did for Maria, and it made a huge difference.

Before & Afters

Closeup of before Long Island Crowns and Veneers Closeup of after Long Island Crowns and Veneers
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