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Cosmetic Dentistry - Veneers

Smile of the Month

March 2021

Breanna smiling after receiving best veneers from best Long Island Cosmetic Dentist

Breanna had been unhappy with her teeth for almost her entire life. She chipped one of her front teeth as a child, so she ended up getting dental bonding to repair it. Bonding can deliver great results, but it was not the lifelong solution that Breanna needed. Over the years, her bonding kept chipping and needing to be repaired, plus it was starting to discolor. It was impossible for Breanna to hide these flaws because they were front and center every time she spoke, laughed, or smiled, so they constantly made her self-conscious.

After years of frustration, Breanna knew she was ready to make a lasting change.

“I decided it was finally time to get veneers. I was extremely picky when researching dentists and took my time to find the right one. When I came across Dr. Mohr and saw the wonderful experiences of his patients as well as the before and after photos, I knew I had found the dentist for me.”

During their consultation, Dr. Mohr quickly helped Breanna feel comfortable.

At my first appointment, I knew right away that I was in the hands of a true professional. Dr. Mohr validated my concerns and made me feel at ease. He always made sure all of my questions were answered and that I had all of the information I needed to feel comfortable with a permanent procedure such as veneers.”

Before & Afters

Headshot of Breanna before veneers treatment Headshot of Breanna after best veneers on Long Island from Dr. Allan Mohr
Closeup of Breanna before Long Island veneers Closeup of Breanna after veneers
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