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All-Porcelain Crowns
Smile of the Month

June 2018

Dan smiling after treatment

Dan is a New man

Like many of us, Dan went for years without really caring for his smile. Sure, he brushed his teeth regularly enough and even flossed occasionally, but that was about it. Dan rarely visited the dentist for routine preventive care, which meant he wasn’t aware that he was grinding his teeth at night. Left untreated, the condition known as bruxism can take a real toll on the teeth... something Dan can tell you about firsthand.

With a smile full of visibly worn down and sensitive teeth, Dan knew he had to do something about his oral health around the time he got engaged. He and his fiance visited with Dr. Mohr, who put together a treatment plan suited just for him. The first step was addressing the problems associated with his bruxism. After years of nighttime teeth grinding, Dan was at great risk of losing some teeth altogether. This condition places the tooth enamel under repeated impact and pressure, which can leave them weak and at a higher risk of breaking. Dr. Mohr provided the intervention Dan’s smile needed right in time.

The treatment plan was simple enough -- a sturdy, natural-looking crown was placed on each of the affected teeth. Dental crowns made out of porcelain look and feel just like the natural teeth. Plus, they are highly customizable to look wonderful on every smile. With this solution, Dan was able to eat, speak, and smile with renewed self-confidence. Today, he is so proud of his teeth, and he has committed himself to caring for them like he knows he should have from the start.

We’ve chosen Dan as our June Smile of the Month feature because we feel like his case is illustrative of what we see so often. Many patients have failed to care for their teeth throughout early adulthood and then feel like they have lost hope for their smiles. But after one visit with Dr. Mohr, Dan and so many other patients like him have their hope and smile confidence renewed!

If you are suffering as a result of damaged teeth, you should know that there is a wonderful solution in sight when you visit with Dr. Mohr and his team. Don’t wait to get started -- go ahead and contact the office at 516-541-7344 to discuss your options today!

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