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Cosmetic Dentistry — Veneers

Smile of the Month

January 2022

Jess smiling after best veneers from Long Island Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Allan Mohr

Jess is a college basketball player with dreams of playing in the pros, and while she felt solid on the court, she was quite self-conscious away from it because of her smile. Despite being tall and athletic, her teeth were noticeably small and had obvious spaces. She said that she had “kiddie teeth,” which made them look out of proportion to her stature.

When she came to see Dr. Mohr, rather than just enhancing her teeth first, he instead referred Jess to a member of his dream team, a local orthodontist. Why? Essentially, the orthodontist could move Jess’ teeth into the ideal orientation, helping her smile look more balanced, plus this would make any restorations Dr. Mohr placed look much, much better, creating a final result that is greater than the sum of its parts.

After undergoing orthodontic treatment, the stage was set, and Dr. Mohr ultimately gave Jess a set of custom veneers. He was very meticulous to ensure that the color and shape of each veneer was perfect while still looking natural. Jess was beyond thrilled with the results, and she’s happy that she can finally feel self-assured both on and off the court.

Before & Afters

Headshot of Jess before veneers Headshot of Jess after best veneers on Long Island from Dr. Allan Mohr
Closeup of Jess before Long Island veneers treatment Closeup of Jess after porcelain veneers
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