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Cosmetic Dentistry —
Smile of the Month

December 2023

Lori smiling after receiving crowns from Long Island Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Allan Mohr

Dr. Mohr has proudly served the Massapequa Park area for over 30 years, but in that time, he has helped patients from all across Long Island and beyond. Lori, for instance, drove over two hours to have her smile makeover done by Dr. Mohr and his dream team of specialists and technicians.

Why? Because Lori knew she had a lot of dental issues that needed to be addressed on the way to her perfect look, and she didn’t want just anyone to handle them. She did her research and looked at countless before and after photos, and her effort ultimately led her to sit down with Dr. Mohr for a consultation.

After giving her exam, Dr. Mohr knew that simply giving Lori a cosmetic touch-up wouldn’t do the trick. The spacing of her teeth and bite were off, and if he ignored these problems, they would undo whatever cosmetic work he provided down the line. That’s why he first had her complete orthodontic treatment to create a solid foundation for her new smile. Once her teeth were straight, he was able to enhance them further using a combination of dental crowns and veneers.

Many dentists would have just given Lori veneers and called it a day. While the result might have looked good initially, the underlying crookedness would likely cause the veneers to wear down very quickly and need to be replaced relatively often (which can be expensive). Rather than taking a short-term approach, Dr. Mohr collaborated with his dream team to give Lori a smile that looks great today and can be trusted to stand the test of time. It required more effort on his part, but it was the right thing to do, and Lori certainly appreciates the outcome!

Before & Afters

Closeup of Lori before Long Island veneers Closeup of Lori after Long Island veneers
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