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Cosmetic Dentistry - Veneers

Smile of the Month

December 2020

Jerry smiling after receiving veneers treatment from best Long Island Cosmetic Dentist

Many of the patients who come to see Dr. Mohr have already undergone cosmetic dentistry, but they are underwhelmed by their result, so they hope that he can improve upon their previously completed work to give them the smile they wanted in the first place.

A perfect example of this is Jerry, who had a crown and veneer placed to repair damage due to an injury. While his teeth certainly didn’t look broken anymore, his smile was slightly uneven, plus the color was inconsistent. Rather than just addressing the specific teeth Jerry brought up during his initial consultation, Dr. Mohr suggested that he treat the front four teeth to create the best possible result. This would give Jerry’s smile a more balanced look and greatly enhance his appearance.

In the end, Jerry was thrilled with his outcome, but what surprised him the most was how easy the process was. The treatment itself was painless, and Dr. Mohr was also able to significantly shorten how long Jerry’s mouth was numb using OraVerse, the first and only local anesthesia reversal agent that allows patients to return to normal sensation twice as fast. Jerry was able to get back to his regular routine without delay. This approach makes all types of dental care much more convenient, allowing patients to get what they need without having to worry about accidentally biting their lip or drooling afterward. This helps many patients fit in procedures they previously believed they didn’t have time for.

Jerry was legitimately shocked by how well everything went from beginning to end:

“I chipped my two front teeth and had a crown and veneer placed on them to fix the damage. After a few years I thought about redoing them and to see if there was a way to improve my smile. With the guidance and recommendation of Dr. Mohr, he showed me that if I had my front four teeth redone it would create a more even and balanced smile. With his care and expertise along with his fantastic dental assistants I went through with the procedure and could not be happier with the results. The procedure is pain free and he puts the patient's comfort over everything else. Dr. Mohr had suggested when the procedure was finished that he use a reversal medication that shortens the time of being numb. To my surprise within minutes I was not numb and able to go about my day. If you are contemplating having any cosmetic dentistry done, do not hesitate and visit Dr. Mohr and his amazing team.”

Before & Afters

Headshot of Jerry before veneers cosmetic dentistry treatment Headshot of Jerry after best veneers on Long Island from Dr. Allan Mohr
Closeup of Jerry before Long Island veneers dental treatment Closeup of Jerry after smile makeover
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