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Cosmetic Dentistry—Veneers & Porcelain Crowns
Smile of the Month

August 2024

For Rick, making the right first impression is extremely important, as his job involves him speaking to clients every single day. Like a lot of us, he had let his dental care at home slide a bit, and the effects were starting to show. Hoping to get a fresh start, fix any damage, and make sure his clients remembered him for all the right reasons, he reached out to Dr. Mohr.

Using a smile analysis, comprehensive exam, X-rays, and digital photos, Dr. Mohr developed a treatment plan to meet his goals. Rick ended up loving how his crowns and veneers turned out, and he was so encouraged by the experience that he then reached out to an orthodontist to straighten his lower teeth.

Rick shows us that even if your oral health isn’t a high priority in your life right now, that doesn’t mean things can’t change for the better. He didn’t like where his smile was heading, so he decided to partner with an expert to get him back on the right track. Everything went so well that he decided to make even more changes that will uplift his appearance and health for years to come.

Before & Afters

Closeup of before Long Island Crowns and Veneers Closeup of after Long Island Crowns and Veneers
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