Porcelain Veneers
Smile of the Month
August 2018

Adam Gets Straight Teeth… without Braces
Adam had always been bothered by the gaps between his teeth. Unfortunately, he missed the boat on braces as a teenager -- and after he became an adult, he was reluctant to cover up his teeth with metal braces for two or more years. Adam was in a difficult situation... until one day his cousin made a recommendation that would change his life.
Adam’s cousin happens to be a dentist, which means he knew well the options that were open to Adam and his smile. If he wanted to solve the problem without braces, he would have to visit with a seasoned professional who was willing to tailor a treatment plan specifically for Adam. After only a little consideration, the cousin told our Smile of the Month feature patient that Dr. Mohr would be the only person to do it.
That was all Adam needed to hear. He quickly made an appointment with this cosmetic dentist he’d heard so much about, and now the only thing he wishes he could take back is that he didn’t make that first visit much sooner.
After careful planning which included digital designing, smile analysis, photographs, as well as the needed x-rays and a comprehensive exam, Dr. Mohr explained in detail that the ideal treatment would, indeed, be orthodontic care. But this was really, really not what Adam wanted to hear. He expressed to Dr. Mohr that he wanted another solution.
One of the things patients always say they appreciate about visiting Dr. Mohr is that he truly listens -- and Adam is one of those satisfied patients who truly felt heard by his cosmetic dentist. After discussing Adam’s desires for his smile and understanding just how much he wanted to avoid braces, Dr. Mohr set about finding an alternative solution. Porcelain veneers are thin restorations that can cover up the appearance of just about any cosmetic imperfection. In special cases, they can even work as “instant orthodontics” by masking the appearance of visible gaps or dental crowding. And that’s just what Adam needed!
The porcelain veneers were placed over the course of two visits to the office, and the end result was perfect for Adam’s unique facial structure. This is no unnatural “Hollywood” smile, either. Dr. Mohr is careful to craft results that look naturally beautiful. Today, Adam loves his smile -- and he especially loves the fact that he didn’t have to wear braces for 2 years or more to achieve it.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile but are unsure what can be done about it, don’t give up all hope. Dr. Mohr can help you achieve your oral health goals with a beautiful smile makeover. As Adam can attest to, he will listen to what you truly want and then figure out a way to make it happen! Join the countless patients who can’t stop smiling by calling the office at 516-541-7344 to schedule a consultation today.