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Cosmetic Dentistry—Dental Implants
Smile of the Month

April 2022

Ray smiling after receiving the best dental implants from Long Island Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Allan Mohr

After not going to the dentist for years, Ray realized that his front teeth had worn down to the point that whenever he smiled, it looked like they were all missing! Needless to say, this alarmed him, so he decided to do some research online looking for a dentist.

When he found Dr. Mohr’s site, he was impressed by his professional accomplishments, decades of training, positive reviews, and beautiful Before & Afters. He decided to visit the office for a consultation, and he noticed that it was immaculate, so he knew he was in the right place.

Dr. Mohr gave him a thorough exam, and then he asked Ray about his goals. Did he want to replace his missing teeth or build up the enamel that was left? Based on Ray’s input and Dr. Mohr’s findings, they came up with a treatment plan that would give Ray the appearance and longevity he desired. Dr. Mohr ultimately referred him to a member of his “Dream Team,” a periodontist, so Ray could be evaluated for dental implants. After it was confirmed that he was a good candidate, his journey began.

Now, Ray loves to show off his new smile as much as possible, and he’s consistently surprised by how much younger his new teeth make him look!

Before & Afters

Headshot of Ray before dental implants Headshot of Ray after best dental implants on Long Island from Dr. Allan Mohr
Closeup of Ray before Long Island dental implants Closeup of Ray after Long Island dental implants
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