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Allan Mohr's Smile Creations Blog

What Will Happen at An Emergency Dental Visit?

May 31, 2024

dental assistant going over X-ray with patient

Millions of people across the U.S. will experience a dental emergency this year, and if you happen to be part of this unlucky group, you may wonder what will happen when you seek out help. There’s no need to stress, fortunately, because most dentists are highly experienced at dealing with many types of tooth-centric emergencies, and the appointment itself will consist of a few straightforward steps that will help you get the relief you need as soon as possible.


My Tooth Hurts: Is It an Emergency?

April 11, 2024

young woman thinking

When things are going how they should, you probably don’t think about your teeth that much. You just laugh, smile, and eat without a second thought. But that all changes when there’s pain. Millions of people experience tooth pain every day, and if this includes you, you’re probably wondering, “Should I see a dentist right away about this?” The truth is that some types of toothaches require an emergency dentist while others don’t. To see which category your situation falls into, just keep reading.


Dental Bridge or Partial Denture: Which One is Right For You?

March 17, 2024

young man thinking about bridges and dentures

After living with and working around your multiple missing teeth for who knows how long, you’ve finally decided to have them replaced. So, you do what everyone does in this situation—start researching online. While dentures are the go-to solution for those with no natural teeth left, for people like you who still have some, partial dentures and dental bridges keep coming up. Both sort of sound like they could work for you, but would one be better than the other? What distinguishes them from each other?


Why is My Dental Bridge Falling Out?

February 26, 2024

older man wondering

At first, you only noticed that your dental bridge was starting to “wiggle” a bit whenever you chew. Now it feels like it’s threatening to fall out, and you can’t imagine how mortifying this would be if you were with friends or family or eating with work colleagues. It used to be so stable, so what changed? There are a few reasons why this might be happening, and fortunately, bringing security back to your bite is fairly straightforward.


The Bridge is Out! How to Handle a Loose Dental Bridge

January 17, 2024

older woman covering mouth

Ever since you got your dental bridge, you haven’t given your missing teeth a second thought. But you find yourself thinking about them a lot these days, however, because your bridge has suddenly become extremely loose, even feeling like it’s going to fall out at times. Your nightmare is that you’ll end up having to grab your teeth off of your plate while spending time with friends and family, so something needs to be done fast! But what should that something be? Keep reading to learn why this might be happening and what you should do next.


Crystal Clear: The Easiest Way to Clean Your Invisalign Trays

December 13, 2023

Because Invisalign trays spend about 20-22 hours in someone’s mouth every single day, keeping them clean is extremely important to ensure they stay clear and odor-free. While there are multiple ways to do this, the simplest comes from the makers of Invisalign itself—cleaning crystals! Keep reading to learn how to use them and how they work…in the time it takes you to finish this blog, they could have made your trays look like new!


Keep The “Humbug” Away: Your Invisalign Holiday Survival Guide

November 19, 2023

family enjoying holiday meal

One of the best things about the holiday season is that it allows for a break from your normal routine. While this is great when it comes to taking time off work and getting to see friends and loved ones more, it can spell trouble for those currently using Invisalign. It’s easy to slip and not do everything you need to keep your treatment on track this time of year, but by keeping these simple tips in mind, you can stay on the path toward your ideal smile while still enjoying yourself.


My Invisalign Aligner Doesn’t Fit…What Should I Do?

October 27, 2023

dental assistant looking at Invisalign tray with male patient

For decades, Invisalign has offered people an easier and more subtle way to straighten their teeth. While it has helped tens of millions of patients achieve stunning results, just like with any other long-term dental treatment, there can sometimes be bumps along the way. If you suddenly find that one of your Invisalign trays isn’t fitting properly, what should you do? Do you need to go see your dentist right away? Fortunately, there are a few things you can do right now that can solve the problem well before you need to pick up the phone.


UGH! Why Won’t My Lower Denture Stay Still?!

October 1, 2023

older man yelling in frustration about denture

When you finally decided to get dentures, you were excited to have your smile back and be able to speak and eat like normal again…at least that was the plan. In reality, your lower denture is constantly moving out of place, and you’re always having to think twice before taking a bite, laughing, or doing anything that could disturb it. This is a fairly common issue for denture wearers, and all they really want to know is why this is happening and how to make it stop for good. You’ll find both of these answers in today’s blog.  


Loose Dentures Can be Life-Threatening—No, Really!

August 15, 2023

hands holding complete dentures

Everyone who wears dentures has experienced their teeth moving out of place unexpectedly. While this can be unnerving and is certainly annoying, it does have the potential to be life-threatening as well. It sounds like an overstatement, but there are literally mountains of research showing a direct connection between ill-fitting dentures and an elevated risk of oral cancer. How are the two connected, and what should you do if your denture already feels loose?
