People who have kidney disease are also more likely to experience oral health problems like tooth loss, gum disease, shifting teeth, malocclusion (alignment problems), and other dental and periodontal (gum) issues. Dental implants replace the entire missing tooth structure for a highly effective replacement option, but many doctors are wary of placing dental implants in patients who have kidney disease. Dr. Allan S. Mohr isn’t one of them — he is highly experienced in these complex cases of Massapequa Park dental implants.
Allan Mohr's Smile Creations Blog
Gums Bleeding When Brushing Teeth? Here’s What to Do Now
August 8, 2017
There’s nothing better than the feeling right after you’ve brushed your teeth and you take a good look at your clean, sparkling smile. Unless, of course, you’ve just spit out blood. Are your gums bleeding when brushing teeth? You’re certainly not alone if the answer is yes — millions of Americans experience tender, bleeding gums. Unfortunately, too many people don’t do anything about it. This condition can have a big (and bad) effect on your overall health if left untreated. Keep reading to find out what to do about bleeding gums.
How We’re Bringing Dentures Into the 21st Century
July 25, 2017
If you’ve suffered severe tooth loss or are on the brink of having a number of teeth removed, you may fear that you’re looking at a long life with loose or ill-fitting dentures. But we’ve got good news: today’s prosthetics aren’t much like those that your grandfather may have struggled with. A denture retained by dental implants mimics your natural teeth so well you may even forget they’re not the ones you’ve always had!
2 Excellent Options for Teeth Whitening in Long Island
June 26, 2017
We’re almost mid-way through May, and that means most of us are gearing up for summertime fun. What do you have planned for June, July, and August? Make sure your smile is ready to beam at every opportunity with a professional teeth whitening treatment. Dr. Allan S. Mohr provides two options in whitening: Zoom! and Kör treatments.
Long Island Dentist Raises Over $10,000 with Spin for Smiles
June 5, 2017
Dr. Allan S. Mohr has had a long career of helping friends and neighbors around Massapequa achieve beautiful, functioning smiles. He is passionate about transforming lives with good dentistry — and your Long Island dentist knows his responsibility reaches beyond our local community. That’s why this year, he, our team, and numerous friends and partners took part in Spin for Smiles. Together, we raised over $10,000 to support global nonprofit Operation Smile in their mission to provide cleft surgeries for children all over the world!
How Fragile Are Porcelain Veneers in Long Island?
May 16, 2017
Like pretty little dolls and your grandmother’s prized tea set, some of life’s most fragile things are porcelain. So that’s got to mean that porcelain veneers are likely to break, right? Well, not really. After all, we wouldn’t recommend a restoration that could easily malfunction. If you are considering porcelain veneers in Long Island, you can look forward to beautiful, sturdy teeth in a matter of weeks. Keep reading to learn how just how fragile those porcelain veneers really are (or aren’t) from Dr. Allan S. Mohr.
Long Island Dental Implants: 5 Big Things to Know
May 9, 2017
You’ve got options for how you’ll replace one or more missing teeth, but which is the best? Anyone who’s paying attention knows Long Island dental implants do the job better than anything else currently available. With implant dentistry, Dr. Mohr offers a comprehensive solution to tooth loss that helps you smile, eat, and speak with total confidence once again. We’ve got the five things you need to know when choosing dental implants — and why it’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made — below!
How Much Do Long Island Dental Implants Really Cost?
April 25, 2017
When it comes to your options in tooth replacement, dental implants are by far the best choice you can make. Yes, they may come at a higher initial cost than other options — and the final price tag depends on how many teeth you’re missing, and where. But no matter what they cost, Long Island dental implants are the only solution that promotes your oral and overall health for a lifetime to come. Keep reading to learn the top three reasons dental implants from Dr. Allan S. Mohr are a wise investment, then schedule an appointment to find out if you’re a candidate for implant dentistry today!
Long Island Dental Implants or Crowns, Bridges & Dentures?
March 28, 2017
If you have lost one or more teeth, you need a high quality replacement to smile with confidence and resume your happy, productive life. There are, however, a number of tooth replacement options available these days, and it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. So when it comes to you tooth replacement, do you choose Long Island dental implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures? Dr. Allan S. Mohr recommends dental implants for most patients. Here’s why.
A Wealth of Benefits with Long Island Dental Implants
February 28, 2017
Want to smile more, eat better, and live longer? After tooth loss, Long Island dental implants hold the key to all three. They are a comprehensive replacement that closely mimic your natural tooth structure. Dr. Mohr provides superior dental implant care at Smile Creations, and right now, we’re pleased to be offering dental implants for as little as $199/month.
Learn more about the multiple benefits of dental implants, then request a free consultation to discuss your eligibility for the best tooth replacement currently available! We can’t wait to help you enjoy the benefits of a complete smile once again.