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Allan Mohr's Smile Creations Blog

Why Is My Dental Implant So Sensitive?

March 10, 2025

young man with a sensitive dental implant

One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is that they have the look, strength, and durability of real teeth, but they can’t get cavities. However, you’re feeling sensitivity and pain in your implant every time you bite down or chew—what’s happening? Is something wrong with the implant? Does it need to be replaced? Is this just how it is with implants? Keep reading to get the answers to these questions and many more.


Can You Get Invisalign on Just Your Top Teeth?

February 6, 2025

smiling woman holding Invisalign tray

Saving money always feels great, especially when it’s on something that you really need like dental care. If you’re unhappy with crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth that always show when you smile, then getting Invisalign on just the top row probably sounds like a reliable way to spend less on the treatment. However, while this sounds good in theory, it often isn’t the best approach in practice—here’s why.


AH-CHOO! Your Invisalign Survival Guide for Cold & Flu Season

January 8, 2025

As the weather continues to grow colder, you’ve suddenly noticed that more people around you are consistently sneezing, coughing, and blowing their noses. It’s cold and flu season, which can be particularly challenging for people with Invisalign because their hands are consistently in their mouths when taking off or putting in their trays. Thankfully, you can keep your treatment going and avoid whatever bug is going around by following these three simple tips while the weather is still “frightful.”


True or False? “Teeth Grinding Makes Invisalign Impossible”

December 10, 2024

After doing your research online, you’ve made a decision: you’re going to get Invisalign to straighten your teeth! Between its discreet appearance, comfort, and flexibility, it’s the perfect fit for a busy person like you. Except there’s just one thing holding you back—you know you grind your teeth. The last thing you want to do is spend the money and get your hopes up only to discover that this unconscious habit renders the treatment useless.

Is it possible to get Invisalign if you grind your teeth? Turns out that the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might expect, but know this—Invisalign is probably still an option!


4 Questions Everyone Should Ask Their Dentist Before Getting a Smile Makeover

November 7, 2024

sticky notes with question marks

Whether you’re making a big decision like whether or not to take a job, or even a small one such as figuring out where to eat lunch, the key to finding the right answer is to simply ask questions. While you probably don’t need help with those two scenarios, how can you make sure you choose the right dentist for your smile makeover?

This can have a huge positive impact on your health and appearance, but it’s still a big commitment when it comes to time and investment. Thankfully, just by asking a dentist these four questions, finding the perfect fit should be easy.


How Safe is Cosmetic Dentistry?

October 18, 2024

woman pondering about cosmetic dentistry

No matter which source you look at, the data is clear—more and more people are investing in cosmetic dentistry to improve their appearance and confidence. On the surface, this sounds fantastic! More people now have the means and the access to make profound improvements in their lives. But with all of the fresh attention on this type of work, it has a lot of people asking, “Is cosmetic dentistry safe?” This blog will answer the question from a few different angles, so whether you’re thinking about getting simple teeth whitening or a full makeover, you can do so with peace of mind.


Can You Be Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry?

September 4, 2024

older man with perfect smile

Absolutely everyone cares about who they see in the mirror each day, and this includes many “older” people, which depending on how you think about it, can apply to someone who’s 40, 50, 60, 70, and beyond… Just like teens and young adults, people in these age groups often want to improve their appearance, and one of the simplest ways to do this is through cosmetic dentistry.

Thanks to modern technology and techniques, there is no age limit when it comes to having a beautiful, pristine smile. So, if you think you’ve simply “missed the boat” when it comes to enhancing your grin, you’re thankfully wrong, and you’ll find out more about your options in today’s blog.


A Strong Foundation: Why You Might Need a Bone Graft Before Getting Dental Implants

August 13, 2024

digital rendering of a bone graft

Whether you want to build a deck, a shed, or even an entire house, what is one of the most important steps you have to do first? Lay a strong foundation. The right foundation can make or break the long-term success of any project, and the same can be said for dental implants.

But with dental implants, fortunately, no one has to pour concrete! In many cases, a patient is told they need a bone graft before their new teeth can be placed. What all does this entail, and why might you need this procedure in the first place?


The “D” in Vitamin D Stands for “Dental Implants!”

July 11, 2024

couple sitting on a couch next to ocean

If you’re thinking about investing in dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you probably want to do everything you can to make sure they last for a lifetime. Thankfully, one of the most effective ways to achieve this end is also one of the easiest—just make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D! This not only promotes better overall health, but it specifically gives your body exactly what it needs to ensure your implants stand the test of time.


How to Handle a Dental Emergency While Traveling Abroad

June 18, 2024

young woman walking through India

You’ve been planning your international trip for over a year, and the time has almost arrived. You have everything at work organized and wrapped up and all your reservations are made, but suddenly, an errant thought pops into your head, “What if I need to go to the dentist?” Unfortunately, unlike yourself, dental emergencies don’t take a vacation. But there are a few things you can do both overseas and back home to make sure an unexpected dental problem doesn’t ruin your vacation.
